
Massive apologies, we are moving office to Mainland Spain.  We will be closed for a short time during this transition. 


May 15, 2015


Calling All Drummer Boys & Drummer Girls!

Strange but true, our drummers are always the butt of all the "Musician Jokes", but boy do we need you guys! (and girls - as there really is nothing more sexy than to see a female drummer pounding the skins!)

In popular music, the primary…

Feb 15, 2015

The "Not So Musical" category has arrived - Why- you ask??

Our musicians and music lovers often hint to their partners that there is a piece of jewellery (or "Jewelry" if you visting us from the USA) that they have seen on the "Music Jewellery Online" website.  

After customer requests for unusual pieces whilst searching for presents for their musician…

Feb 1, 2015

As a vocalist and saxophonist , I know only too well how much we love to receive gifts that have a musical theme!

Vocalists and Musicians are generally very passionate about their career or hobby and it is this intense drive and passion that makes us what we are!

As quoted so famously by Donald Trump..




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